Absolut Scrapple
Remake of two existing boardgames 
A remake of two very well known games, Scrabble and Kings Cup. I have taken a these two games and combined them into a modern day futuristic digital version. In this case, a special edition sponsored by Absolut Vodka, Apple and Scrabble. I took certain design elements from each brand, and brought together, what I think fully portrays the future of our ever growing game world.

Two to four players play in any game of Scrapple. The object of Scrapple is to score more points than one's opponent. A player collects points by placing words on the game board. Each letter has a different point value, so the strategy becomes to play words with high scoring letter combinations. The twist in Scrapple, is that, its in conjunction with Kings cup drinking game. Meaning the lowest scorer will have to drink, as many as is dished to him.




A remake of two existing board games. Comes, Scrapple, a mix of the serious Scrapple game with a drink twist from Kings cup.
